Saturday, April 3, 2010

Power of Intention Exercise

What's your personal intention for this weekend?
What's one thing you intend to do to improve your relationship with your self? with nature? with the food you eat? with your relatives or loved ones?
Where do you see yourself thriving in life?

I offer you a little assignment for the weekend...

You may not realize how valuable it is to begin every action with a clear intention.
Philosophers, scientists and spiritual leaders alike have been studying the impact of positive or negative thinking on the outcome of any given situation for years. What we
have learned is that overwhelming proof supports the idea that our intentions
directly effect the outcome of our actions.

We can create so much for ourselves through the power of intention. Much like prayer or meditation helps to calm the mind, allowing for greater mental clarity and a feeling of inner peace, setting a clear intention can help to better guide you on your path to achieving your goals.

Try this: (it will only take 10 minutes!!!)

Choose one personal goal for which you would like to set an intention.
(ex. I want to make a really healthy dinner. I want to have a better relationship with my mother. I want to make $50,000 this year. I want to travel to India.)

- Sit quietly in a comfortable position.
- Float your eyes closed and begin to focus on your breath.
- Take 3 deep inhales and exhales.
- Now clarify your intention to a single goal: travel to India.
- Begin to create an image in your minds eye of what that would look like.
- Create a symbol for your intention (ie: a statue of Ganesha!)
- See all the details of that symbol and breathe deeply in your relaxed state.
- Smile knowing that the symbol for your intention exists!
- Continue to breath quietly for a few minutes focusing on the symbol.
- When you're ready, float your eyes open again.

There you have it. You just carved a serious path towards acheiving your goal
and you got to relax and relieve stress in your body at the same time.

Have fun with this practice. Setting intention can be a powerful way to infuse meditation into your every day and get closer to living the life you desire.


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